Thursday, July 12, 2007

Britian Reconquered!

Deo Gratias! Assuming by "Roman Catholic" he means the exiled Rome to be found in Knoxville, TN, which I am sure he does.

Also, I have invited M. Colbert to receive proper thurible training from Fr. Heidrich.


Sir Rev. Leonard Feeney, HKTTC said...

Assuming by "Roman Catholic" he means the exiled Rome to be found in Knoxville, TN, which I am sure he does.
If he didn't, Father, I assure ye that thy loyal knights shall make sure that he is corrected!

Is Colbert a member of the Truly True Church? If he isn't, then Fr. Heidrich might be contributing to propagation of a heresy if he teaches him how to incense correctly. Methinks it would be better for Father to teach him incorrectly (maybe swinging the thurible in a backwards 360 arc) so that Truly Traditional Catholics will note Colbert's heresy immediately.

Sir Rev. Leonard Feeney, HKTTC

Terrence Berres said...

And assuming that by "Britain" he means "England", which it appears he does.

radtradchad said...

Sir Feeney, I can assure you that M. Colbert is of the Truthy Faith. He knows when to dissent from the pope: when he dialogues with other faiths and when Ratzinger entertains the thought that the Sodomites do not consciously choose their affections.

-Fr. Chadwick LeJanvier, SSLI

Sir Rev. Leonard Feeney, HKTTC said...

Fr. LeJanvier,
Excellent! Now that the SSLI has a cable media platform during Primetime, we can start converting mass numbers of heretics! Truthiness wrapped in humor is a sure way to do so!

You'll be pleased to know that we have four young men already signed up for our "Come and See" vocations weekend. I've instructed them to round up collections for the Chapel construction from friends and family and bring it with them on Monday. They are all from good Truthy families, so hopefully the sum will be large.

(Have I mentioned I love dispatching Sodomites? Their numerous skin products and exfoliating regimes make my blade proceed through their flesh smooth as a knife through butter!)

Sir Rev. Leonard Feeney, HKTTC

Sir Rev. Leonard Feeney, HKTTC said...

Oops, I forgot to mention this, Reverend Father. In addition to numerous inquiries from young men about the HKTTC, I am getting inquiries from young women who want to join a SSLI-affliated Truly Traditional Order of Nuns.

Perhaps you could petition your readers and see if there are any devout women are interested in founding such an Order? I will gladly provide initial funding for them from the Order's ale sales, and physical protection from the heretics in Knoxville. I am sure Fr. Heidrich will be willing to provide them his spiritual services.

Sir Rev. Leonard Feeney, HKTTC

radtradchad said...

I do not see much humor in M. Colbert 's television programme. If I did, it would be difficult to support such a programme as it may be an occasion of sin for those with undisciplined passions such as having a propensity toward spontaneous laughter.

-Fr. Chadwick LeJanvier, SSLI

Anonymous said...

If he wants to be Catholic, he's meeting with the wrong 'pope.'