I have received several inquiries regarding the current sede vacante situation here in Knoxville and the impending election. I have therefore taken the liberty of writing a short catechism in order to address these questions.
Q) What does "sede vacante" mean?
A) "Sede vacante" is latin meaning "vacant seat". Here it does not refer to a literal seat but to the position or "See" of a Bishop. The See in question here is that of the Diocese of Knoxville.
Q) Is not a bishop appointed by the Pope?
A) Under normal circumstances, yes. However Pope Benedict has succumbed to the evils of Vatican II. This heresy makes the Pope incapable of choosing an approprite bishop for the Diocese of Knoxville. THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST THE CHURCH! A Bishop must exist in order to continue the True Tradition of the Church unto the End of Time. This presents an extraordinary situation in which Bishops may be elected. Therefore it is the DUTY of all Truly Traditional Catholics to continue the Sacred Mission of the Church by electing moi, Fr. Chadwick LeJanvier, your Bishop.
Q) Who may elect a Bishop?
A) Any Truly Traditional Catholic may vote for Bishop. Votes cast by the heretics are INVALID!
Q) Who is a Truly Traditional Catholic?
A) Truly Traditional Catholics are those who reject Modernism in all its forms and fulfill their Sunday Obligation at a SSLI Chapel.
Q) How may one become a Truly Traditional Catholic?A) Anyone may join a Truly Traditional Church by submitting to ALL the teachings of the Truly Traditional Church and by repenting with sackcloth and ashes. One may then show his baptismal certificate to the nearest SSLI Chapel to join (assuming of course one can meet the mandatory 90% tithe).
Q) Are you even a validly ordained Priest?A) I was ordained on the same boat Fr. Plarvik was. This was in order to escape the persecutions of the Conciliar dioceses who refused to obey the WILL OF GOD by performing my ordination. So if you must question my ordination, you must also question Fr. Plarvik's.