Monday, June 18, 2007

Support Totus Pius!

Of course, my favorite Pontiff is St. Leo the Great. But any Pope named Pius ties for second. So of course, when an interweblog comes into being that has the support of ALL the Piuses, I have no choice but to approve. Especially of note is their current mission to alleviate the suffering of so-called "churches" possessed with the Spirit of Vatican II. Such establishments will assuredly be set "aflame" with the Holy Ghost. I encourage anyone who has the means to support this new ministry established by Their Holinesses.

Also, everyone please be on your best behavior, as a special guest from Washington, DC will be staying with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say that I admire the discipline at this parish. The boys back in DC could use a little of it in their training. It was nice of Fr. Heidrich to show me the wonderful interrogation methods in your historical records (I really must read up on Catholicism--it sounds fascinating). I can assure you that my superiors will be pleased to learn these methods.

The roof of your current dormitory makes an excellent observation point. I have already taken some high resolution snapshots of an interesting exchange between two notable parishioners at the Spirit of Vatican II.

Agent Smith,
Department of Homeland Security